D-VASim v1.3 is released. 

Latest version of D-VASim is available to download for Windows and Mac platforms. Before running D-VASim, please make sure to have the latest JAVA Development Kit (JDK) installed on your system. It can be downloaded here.

Once JDK is installed, you can download any of the following D-VASim versions for Windows OS 10 and MAC OS Catalina by clicking on the buttons given below.

D-VASim v1.3 (Released in March, 2020)

  • Improved and faster algorithm for threshold value and propagation delay analyses

D-VASim v1.2 (Released in October, 2016)

  • Support analyses of upper and lower threshold values
  • Improved GUI for stochastic simulations

D-VASim v1.1 (Released in September, 2016)

  • Support timing analysis with digital waveforms
  • Logic verification for n-input genetic logic circuits
  • Control knobs can be manually created for specie whose concentrations are required to be controlled during runtime

D-VASim v1.0 (Released in February, 2016)